Maybe now this will be different.
06 February
I had today off again and I did do anything except for Taebo and made lunch for tomorrow. The very first time I have ever made beef stew from scratch. I am trying to watch what I eat now, maybe then I will be able to loose more weight quicker than eating whatever I want and exercising. I think keeping track of what I eat helps. You will eat less if you do. I am not sure what to make for dinner tomorrow night. I might make shake and bake chicken, but I am not sure. I am also drinking more water. I am on my fifth glass for today. I am really excited about this. I am hoping that I will loose enough that when I get to go see my parents then I will surprise them lots.

Upon making dinner tonight I burned my arm pretty bad.

This is not a joke.

I must go now.

Good night all.
04 February
Well we didn't make it to work today. We couldn't get out of our driveway because of the snow and the conditions were bad on the main roads. So we stayed home. Not that I am all that happy about it though, I will probably get yelled at work tomorrow for missing today. Grrr....

Good news though. P finally gave me my own little space. Now I have a room to myself. One thing though; when watching a movie by myself I missed J. I know that sounds sad considering I was only a house length away, but for some reason I missed him so much. So I settled for moving things in there and keeping some in my room. That way I can still be with J but still be able to escape him every once in a while. But for the meantime I am going to stay in here for a little while.

We have giving up on the apartment thing for right now. I mean I still want to move out, but we are going to try and get a lot of bills paid off first. As soon as my income tax refund and my bonus check comes in I am going to pay off some bills. As many as I can. We now owe P a lot of money. He bought insurance for J's car and so now we get to pay him more every paycheck. I am hoping that paying like we plan will work. That way I can get things for my new room. Once I have some of my bills paid off and if we aren't moving in somewhere then I am going to take some time off of work. I mean not a lot of time, but a week in may and I might cut my hours a little. I still want to go to school in the fall but if we are going to move in somewhere we won't be able to afford both. GRRR....again.

I am still worried about work though. I was spoken to on Sunday because customers were complaining about me complaining. But what they said I was complaining about isn't true. So instead of them believing me, I got in trouble. Then the next day the store manager said he needs to talk to me. I am sure that it is what I was spoken to about, but I am not sure. I guess I will have to see when I go in tomorrow. Worried I am. I hate this...I am not even sure this is what he has to talk to me about, but what else would he have to talk to me about. I am hoping that he will believe me.

For now I am done.

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