Maybe now this will be different.
24 November
I have forgotten the password to my other diary. Oops, oh well. Not like anyone read it anyways.

J and I got into another fight again today. I am not sure why we are even together anymore. We only fight now a days. In December we will be together for 2 years. That is an awfully long time to be with someone. And I really can't believe it.

A is living with us, and don't get me wrong, but I need a place to escape without everyone doing my things. Like when I wanted to use something A would sit right in front of it and use it. I need my personal space. It sucks.

Christmas time at work sucks. Too much money coming in not enough coming to me. I hate that too. I give up.

I think J and I need a break, but it isn't happening anytime soon because I have no where to go. And I don't want to break it off with him, although most breaks result in that. Maybe something can change.

I must go clean the house. It is filthy and I am fed up with it. I hope to write more soon.
21 November
No one knows about this yet. I think that is a good thing.

One thing that really annoys me is when certain people do things behind my back then when I find out yell at me for finding out. My boyfriend does this a lot. And I cannot stand it. He talks to his ex-fiance all the time, and most of the time I really don't mind, but I do mind at the same time. I wouldn't mind them talking every once and a while, but when it is everyday, every morning that is when it bothers me. I cannot stand them being so chummy. What happened to, you break up never talk to each other again thing? But then it hurts more to find out some of the things he says to her about me. I have told him it bothers me and he says "I am not going to change". That I am just jealous and I need to get used to it because they are going to talk a lot more. That I can't stand. Why? We have been together for 2 years and he still talks to her like they are still dating. I am not sure what to even do anymore. I give up.

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